
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the desert. (Psalms 95:7,8).

Here is an apocryphal story worth telling because it contains an important truth…

It was the time of year when junior devils were tenured and certificated by the A.F.D.I.— the Academy for Demonic Influence. The devil himself was present for the day-long ceremonies. At one point during the festivities he reviewed three eager graduates who stood at attention before him. To the first he said, “When you get out into the world what are you going to say to people?”          

            “Oh,” the evil spirit confidently replied, “I shall tell them that there is no God.”

            “That’s no use,” reprimanded the devil. “Creation persuades too many humans that there is a God. Not many will believe you.”

            Then he said to the second demon, “And what are you going to tell people?

            “I will say that there is no judgment— SIR!” was his reply.

            “That’s not much use,” answered an exasperated devil. “Conscience tells many about judgment. Not many will believe you.”

            The devil then turned to the third spirit and skeptically addressed him, “Now! What about you?!”

            “I shall tell people that there is a God and a judgment to come,” answered the graduate, “but I shall add that there is no hurry.”

            “Excellent!” said the devil. “Many will believe that.”

I believe that the world, the flesh, and the devil conspire to persuade us that there is no urgency about turning to God and/or responding to His call. However, if the truth be told, time is running out fast. Procrastination is dangerous because it masquerades as “deferred obedience.” When we procrastinate, we dodge the call of God. We delude ourselves when we perceive the problem as “timing” rather than our resolve to respond promptly.  The right time to respond to God’s voice is always nowas soon as we hear it.

Consider this parable Jesus told, “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, `Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ‘I will not,’ he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,' but he did not go.’ Which of the two did what his father wanted?” (Matthew 21.28-31)

God will never call us to what is needless, irrelevant, or trivial. His call is inseparable from His rule, and His rule is inseparable from His love. Neither servant nor lover will ignore the urgency of their King’s call or their Beloved’s invitation. Both recognize that delay will threaten the relationship.

Healthy relationships have a quality of urgency about them. It is not the urgency of self-centered demand. It is an urgency to respond. I get texts daily, but what delineates some from the rest is my sense of urgency to respond. They are not demanding the timing of my response — my heart is!

Dear ones, I hope God’s word to us — both written and living— will cause our hearts to leap with urgency otherwise, I fear we may be slumbering in self-deception, having created a Pharisee’s casuistry that allows us to postpone our attention, response, and obedience.

So let me ask you, are you putting off anything or anyone that God is speaking with you about now?


speak up! we have to!


an open letter to marketplace believers…