speak up! we have to!

But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem; 14 and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who invoke your name." 15 But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel…" (Acts 9.13-15).

Ananias had a problem. He was summoned by God to share the message of the gospel with Saul of Tarsus— the man we know as Paul. But was there ever a more unlikely man to become a follower of Jesus Christ than Paul? An esteemed yet opinionated, legalistic, zealous man who was so sure of what he believed that he was willing to see people killed who departed from his understanding of faith in God? Ananias’ problem is our problem, too! We have many people in our circle of relationships that we have judged unlikely (impossible?) to ever respond positively to Jesus Christ. Yet those whom we consider unlikely, God may consider a “sure thing” because He knows the hearts of men.

Opportunities for talking about Jesus come in so far as we want them to. The crucial question is: “Do I really want to speak about Jesus to others?” I remember being on study leave once and not wanting to speak to anyone about anything, but I believe the Lord challenged me to the contrary! I said, “All right, Lord, I am willing to speak to anyone in this hotel about you if you guide me to someone.” And He did! The next morning, I was joined for breakfast by a man who, by all appearances, had it made. He had an exciting career and a beautiful family. He was physically fit, intelligent, and good-looking— in short, and by all appearances, a real “leader-type.”  Soon, the conversation came around to the usual question, “What do you do?” I explained I was a pastor— usually a conversation killer— but not this time… Contrary to all appearances, he was a broken soul searching for spiritual truth and very receptive to the gospel promises.

There are many people who are hungry for God, however self-confident or uninterested they may appear to be. I discovered this with the man at the hotel. He appeared to have everything, but he quickly admitted that he didn’t know which way he was going in life. Many times, I have needed this reminder— appearances are deceptive. All people need Jesus!

But here’s the challenge: how will they hear unless someone tells them?

The Gospel may be expressed through loving deeds but explained with words.

I think God desires us to have a vision for unlikely people that He wants to reach. Take a moment right now and prayerfully consider people in your network of relationships that you have written off as impossible. Some may be family members or even close friends. Some may be at work with you right now... Would you take a moment and ask God to give you His insight and compassion so that you may have a rekindled faith for the people that have come to mind? Finally, ask God to use you in any manner He sees fit to share the Life that is within you.


a pattern of nature…

